Friday, 23 March 2018

Moodboard for Music Video/ Brief Description of Video and Inspiration/ Location Planning

Our song we are doing is The Wombats - I only wear black, we are aiming to do a video about a monster who is going about his day to day life and he's on road to self improvement and at the end of the video when he feels happier within himself he peels off the monster outfit to reveal a normal human underneath. We are focusing on the physical manifestation of sadness.

Inspiration for the music video:

Here are two video inspirations for the video we are aiming to do, The Fall Out Boy video is a good inspiration because it shows the more human side to the Antler Boy and we are trying to embody this in the later stage of our video. The Sea Fret video is good because it shows the monster we are trying to portray. The hairy monster is a good reference point for us when creating our own monster.


This is the location we have decided to film in, partly due to convenience and also for our music video we are aiming to do a day in the life style video so its useful to have Connie's house available to use to film the day to day functioning of our monster. We are also planning to use the area around connie's house as well, Riversly Park or the big block of green on the map is also going to be a key area that we film in due to its accessibility and its also quite a picturesque place to film.  

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