Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Analysis of 4 Promotional Videos

With Apple they tend to have similar videos where they use only complicated language with diagrams that explain everything in order to over complicate it and over-sell the device. This video contains text that jumps and changes to the beat of the song that is playing. This is to keep the watching entertained. It combines facts about the phone with images/videos of people demonstrating this. For example for the most durable glass fact they had someone running into the camera and bouncing back. This way the appeal to a wider audience and makes the 'average joe' think they need a this phone to be something they aren't. It shows different abilities of the phone from the camera and the new A11 chip to the animoji's so its the more technological side of the phone to the more appealing features that other people would be interested in that aren't technological. There are a lot of zooms within this video and it emphasises the phone really well. 

This is a Hasbro Advert for a children's toy for my little pony, you can tell its aimed towards children because of the bright colours and the fact that the toy is the centre of attention at all times. It also aims towards parents because it shows them in the advert. The bright colours and showing how the toy works as long as the voice-over that is high-pitch and over the top. The video combines hand-held camera shots with 'life-like' shots and cartoons with a voice over to truly appeal to the audience. The hand-held camera shots give the audience a POV and make them feel like they are there which creates longing for the toy. The addition of the voice-over tells the more uninteresting facts about the toy and this is aimed at parents.

This a google drive video thats a tutorial on how to use it. You can tell its a tutorial by the simple and explanatory manner in which the video is made, the man uses a simple voice over and visionary details. The audience of this is anyone who wants to use google drive but mainly business owners. The simple structure and narrative makes it an easy to video to follow even to those who aren't very skilled in IT.

This is an example of a more relaxed tutorial video by a choreographer who creates tutorial to supplement his business income. This video is aimed towards dancers and people who aren't professional dancers but interested. He uses simple explanations and visual cue's which helps emphasis the simplicity.

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